Of course! Surrogate World has decades of experience supporting intended parents from a variety of backgrounds: single individuals, LGBTQIA+ couples and heterosexual couples.

Our team coordinates with local attorneys to ensure that you are properly matched with a surrogate in a state where you can accomplish the necessary legal work to finalize your parental rights. Once you are matched, we negotiate contracts on your behalf with independent attorneys who represent your surrogate. We work with attorneys to accomplish the legal work necessary to secure your parental rights.

All surrogates will deliver at a hospital near their home. The decision about where to deliver is typically made in conjunction with the OBGYN, which may have a network of approved providers and hospitals. Occasionally, our legal team will recommend that a delivery occur at a specific hospital.

Openness, honesty and communication are our core values. We encourage building meaningful relationships that will continue to exist throughout the life of the child. As intended parents you are encouraged to visit your surrogate when possible, more often – to get to know her family and where she’s from.

Starting your surrogacy journey begins with a complimentary consultation with our experienced team. You’ll speak with an attorney as well as a process consultant. In this meeting, you’ll have an opportunity to share your story with us and why you’ve chosen surrogacy to grow your family, and we’ll explain our process and program offerings, and answer any questions you have.

1. We’re a full service agency.
2. We encourage relationships between parents, surrogates and egg donors.
3. We practice a high-quality process for screening our surrogates and donors.
4. We offer an all-inclusive fixed cost program.
5. Most of our staff has personal experience with surrogacy, egg donation, IVF and adoption.


We first have to sign a mutual agreement and then simultaneously you would select your Egg Donor and also plan your visit to the country where you would undertake Surrogacy. Once those dates are decided, we will recruit, screen and prepare a surrogate in the country where you would undertake Surrogacy. And after the pregnancy is confirmed, manage the pregnancy from there on-wards. There a database for the client to choose egg donor from.

 Here is a rough summary of events;

  1. Sign mutual agreements, select Egg Donor/Self donor first and undertake a sperm analysis test.
  2. We will then confirm donor availability and sign contracts directly with the Donor agency or facilitate your agreement with the donor agency.
  3. Sign Contracts between Agency and Parents.
  4. Undertake blood tests and sperm analysis at the most 2 months before your visit to the country where you would undertake Surrogacy.(you can also ship your semen across to our clinic as well).
  5. Plan your trip to the country where you would undertake Surrogacy for at least 4-5 days.
  6. Day 1 leave your sample and IVF on same day (in case we need to leave another sample on day 3…)
  7. Eventually we will ship the embryos across to the country where you would undertake Surrogacy for implant into a local surrogate mother (this process can take anything from 2 to 4 weeks). Eventually, after the embryos arrive in the country where you would undertake Surrogacy. We will start preparing a surrogate mother and complete your embryo transfer as soon as the surrogate mother is prepared and fit for transfer.

You’ll have to select the ED and the rest of the things (legal/ financial/ screening/ co-ordination, police check etc. are done by us). Medical tests for male partner are best done in your home country. Below is the list of basic tests that are required from your side.

Investigations for the male partner:

  1. Semen analysis 
    2. CBC, ESR
    3. Blood Group
    4. VDRL / HBSAG / HIV / Anti HCV

Based upon your preferences we can offer you multiple options and your replies here are the options that I have for you which I would recommend you to consider:

There are 6 main options. (or destinations) where surrogacy can be carried out.

  1. India & Kenya – approx cost is $ 42,000 (self-eggs) 3 x attempts (all legal paperwork included) and a dedicated case manager. IVF will be done in India and the embryos are shipped to the country where you would undertake Surrogacy)
  2. Cambodia (for Asian Donors) + Kenya – approx cost is $ 59,000 (with self-eggs) 2 x attempts (all legal paperwork included) and a dedicated case manager. IVF will be done in Cambodia and embryos shipped to the country where you would undertake Surrogacy)
  3. Georgia – approx cost is $ 52,000 (with self-eggs) 2 x attempts (all legal paperwork included) and a dedicated case manager. IVF will be done in Georgia itself)
  4. Argentina – approx cost is $68,000 (with self-eggs) with 2 attempts (and all legal paperwork included) and a dedicated case manager.
  5. Cyprus / Albania – approx cost is $65,000 (with self-eggs) with 2 attempts (and all legal paperwork included) and a dedicated case manager.

We do not prefer working in countries such as Cyprus and Mexico/ Czech Republic manly due to legal issues.

Yes, we can arrange the range of local egg donors.

I would say it’s a 12–14-month process, including contract signing, selection of egg donor, travel to your surrogacy desitnation and 9 months of pregnancy and paperwork to take the baby back.

You can travel to Surrogacy destination whenever you’d like and freeze your sperm sample, we will then coordinate your Egg Donor’s trip. Obviously the second time around would be to pick up your new born and you must budget for approximately 1-2 months in your Surrogacy destination. 

The doctor would consult with you on that issue, but 3 embryos at the max. But let’s say if you have 4 embryos and then there is no value in freezing 1 embryo… so I guess its situational, but the doctor would discuss this with you.

Our rate is 1 in 10 parents.

We can discuss this with the doctor. We’ll have to implant 3 grade 1 embryos to increase our chances… and we will the accordingly hire a surrogate who is a big sized lady…bottom line is that it can be done.

Once you select the (ED) Egg Donor, then we can move immediately. And later on, approximately 4-5 weeks, this is the minimum time it takes to prepare the surrogate properly.

Once you select the (ED) Egg Donor, then we can move immediately. And later on, approximately 4-5 weeks, this is the minimum time it takes to prepare the surrogate properly.

Let us assume that you are only visiting the country for sperm donation in that situation at the most 4–5-day stay Is required considering you’ll be leaving 2 samples behind… just in case! Donation needs to at least 2 days apart. But in case you and your wife are visiting the country for using eggs in that situation

I am attaching a word document that explains the costs.

Yes, the name of the Surrogate mother and the father goes on the birth certificate. Egg donors name will not be on the certificate. Egg donor has to be an anonymous donor. ( In almost all the countries that we operate we do use a single mother for safety and legal reasons).

Every country has its own specific set of requirements when it comes to issuing passport for the newborn baby such as the United States requires DNA testing between the baby and the intended parent apart from ensuring that a valid surrogacy agreement was signed and there are other requirements there are very country specific as well for example in your Surrogacy destination, they will require a parental order or a transfer of custody order which is granted by the local children’s court in favor of the commissioning parent or the parents.

Apart from all this the contracts we sign with the surrogate Internally also binds upon them that they have to cooperate in giving up custody of the child as per the law of the country.

But when it comes to citizenship by descent countries such as Australia/UK/US grant automatic citizenship by descent to your child. Of course, there are other arrangements that need to be in place for that to happen. You will have to apply for the birthing order in your home country. From each of these home countries, we will provide you with all necessary paperwork, certificates to take your baby back home with you.

To ensure that we have a high success rate we ensure that the egg donor is below 32 years of age, the surrogate is in the healthy age range of 24-30. Even the Egg donor That we recruit is a proven Egg Donor as well as the surrogate mother already have had their own babies. Our success rate has been around 80% with donor eggs and surrogate mother.

Apart from all this the contracts we sign with the surrogate Internally also binds upon them that they have to cooperate in giving up custody of the child as per the law of the country.

But when it comes to citizenship by descent countries such as Australia/UK/US grant automatic citizenship by descent to your child. Of course, there are other arrangements that need to be in place for that to happen. You will have to apply for the birthing order in your home country. From each of these home countries, we will provide you with all necessary paperwork, certificates to take your baby back home with you.

Yes, they can, right at the beginning, and at the end of the journey as well. Of course, with the surrogate’s permission we can arrange for more frequent meetings.

Apart from all this the contracts we sign with the surrogate Internally also binds upon them that they have to cooperate in giving up custody of the child as per the law of the country.

But when it comes to citizenship by descent countries such as Australia/UK/US grant automatic citizenship by descent to your child. Of course, there are other arrangements that need to be in place for that to happen. You will have to apply for the birthing order in your home country. From each of these home countries, we will provide you with all necessary paperwork, certificates to take your baby back home with you.

You can discuss this at length about this with our company lawyer. Each couple would have a different approach and strategy to exit the country.

One must also note that every country has a specific requirement which is typical to that country in terms of Specific requirements such as DNA testing interview with the surrogate mother obtaining parental order from the country where the delivery took place.

We as an agency will guide you through this entire procedure to obtain the documentation locally in order for you to apply for your baby’s passport along with the help required for immigration.

Apart from all this the contracts we sign with the surrogate Internally also binds upon them that they have to cooperate in giving up custody of the child as per the law of the country.

But when it comes to citizenship by descent countries such as Australia/UK/US grant automatic citizenship by descent to your child. Of course, there are other arrangements that need to be in place for that to happen. You will have to apply for the birthing order in your home country. From each of these home countries, we will provide you with all necessary paperwork, certificates to take your baby back home with you.

Typically, clinics have a number of egg donors, for donation at any time. However, to recruit a surrogate they place advertisements in newspapers and magazines. It usually takes around 3 4 weeks from the time the ads are placed until a surrogate is recruited.

The surrogates are accommodated in shared living spaces. This arrangement ensures that the surrogates receive care and attention from the doctor. By providing accommodation, we have observed that the surrogates experience less stress and greater happiness as their families can visit them more frequently.

Generally speaking across the globe these are the main points under which surrogate mothers are always selected and recruited

1.*Initial Screening and Qualification*;

*Health Evaluation*; Potential surrogates undergo psychological assessments to ensure their physical well being, absence of chronic conditions and a healthy reproductive system.

*Age Requirement*; Surrogates typically fall within the age range of 23 to 32 years old as younger women tend to experience outcomes during pregnancy.

*Prior Pregnancy Experience*; It is important for surrogates to have successfully carried a pregnancy to term previously showcasing their capability in managing pregnancy and childbirth.

One must also note that every country has a specific requirement which is typical to that country in terms of Specific requirements such as DNA testing interview with the surrogate mother obtaining parental order from the country where the delivery took place.

We as an agency will guide you through this entire procedure to obtain the documentation locally in order for you to apply for your baby’s passport along with the help required for immigration.

Apart from all this the contracts we sign with the surrogate Internally also binds upon them that they have to cooperate in giving up custody of the child as per the law of the country.

But when it comes to citizenship by descent countries such as Australia/UK/US grant automatic citizenship by descent to your child. Of course, there are other arrangements that need to be in place for that to happen. You will have to apply for the birthing order in your home country. From each of these home countries, we will provide you with all necessary paperwork, certificates to take your baby back home with you.

2.*Legal and Ethical Aspects*;

*Legal Guidelines*; The laws surrounding surrogacy vary across regions and jurisdictions. Selecting a surrogate who meets criteria and is willing to adhere to procedures is crucial.

*Informed Consent*; Surrogates must have an understanding of the surrogacy process, associated risks and their rights before proceeding. Obtaining consent is paramount.

 3. *Psychological Assessment*;

*Emotional Well being Review*; Surrogates undergo evaluations to gauge their readiness for embarking on the surrogacy journey. This evaluation aims to mitigate hurdles throughout the process.

 4. *Financial Compensation and Incentives*;

*Monetary Remuneration*; Surrogates are compensated for their time, effort and any potential risks involved in the process. Ensuring compensation is fundamental.

 *Reasons, for Doing It*; It’s important to understand why a surrogate chooses to help (like wanting to make a difference or needing support). A genuine desire to assist others is key.

 5. *Having a Support System*;

*Getting Help from Loved Ones*; Surrogates should have family and friends who can support them throughout the journey.

*Being Emotionally Strong*; Surrogates must be emotionally strong to cope with challenges and the emotional aspects of giving birth.

 6. *Keeping Communication Open*;

*Being Truthful*; Honest communication between intended parents and surrogates is crucial. They should openly talk about expectations, boundaries and any worries.

*Building Relationships*; Developing a bond, between the intended parents plays a significant role in a successful surrogacy experience.

 It’s important to remember that every surrogacy arrangement is different. The process of choosing a surrogate may vary depending on situations and legal requirements.

Yes, the agency can offer you profiles of Egg Donors for pre-selection before, you visit the clinic. However, it’s important to understand that most of the egg donors will not have the chance to meet with the intended parents. However, as the agency, we will assist you with basic Information regarding the egg donor, such as their pictures and if possible, their social media profile and previous donation history. Apart from that, we have to also send the egg donor for a review Before you can finalize the candidate.

There are mainly two sort of contracts that an agency signs with the intended parent first one being the mutual surrogacy agreement Which lists out the terms of the agreement between the intended parents and the agency to provide egg donor or surrogacy services in a particular country.

Apart from that individually, the clients would have to sign a separate set of agreement with the surrogate mother, which the agency will arrange for.

And each Country has its own different surrogacy agreement, which is prepared by the lawyer in that particular country and are subject to jurisdictional Region individually.

We have an arrangement with some of the top hospitals in each and every country that we work with therefore in terms of handling premature babies or babies born with complications we are quite confident and well equipped that the hospital that we work with and eventually where the deliveries take place are capable enough of handling such emergencies.

We are more than a surrogacy agency; we are a collaborative team with professional backgrounds. We offer everyone we serve—from surrogates to parents to the children brought into awaiting families—the most qualified, most authentic guidance for a successful and rewarding surrogacy journey.

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